Sunday, December 17, 2006

Aesthetic Nurse Prescribers

Bad Botox

A Colleague Writes

Currently Nurses are not permitted to write prescriptions. The MHRA are currrently "Updating their advice on this". We can expect the worst. Nurse Prescribers will be able to prescribe any medicine except DDAs. They will also be able to examine, treat and prescribe. This, coupled with the proliferation of Dentists claiming to be "Facial Aesthetic Medicine Specialists", plus the new "Assistant Medical Practitioners (Nurses)" puts all our futures in jeopardy. In fact one website of a member of this group advertises a Nurse as an "Aesthetic Medical Practitioner". I despair at the draconian regulation by the GMC and Healthcare Commission of our profession on the one hand, and the total lack of regulation of our Dental and Nursing colleagues on the other.Fascinatingly "Private Doctors" are regulated by the HCC. but not Private Dentists or Nurses. It is also interesting that Private Dentists who call themselves "Doctor" are totally exempt from HCC inspection. I believe that if they want the title, they have to put up with the regulation that comes with it. Power without responsibilty the ultimate patients nightmare. I am also afraid that the HCC is an organisation run by Nurses for Nurses and that any recommendations will be Pro-Nurse and anti-Doctor.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clearly a very disgruntled GP... and cosmetic doctor who may i suggest is slightly threatened by such 'hand maidens' gaining the respect they deserve as autonomous practitioners. I am currently studying the nurse prescribers course and would like to point out Independant nurse prescribers have to endure intense examinations inclusive of a 100% pass rate in drug calculations and a 80% pass rate in a pharamacology ironic; this is more than what is expected for a doctor. I train doctors, surgeons dentists and nurses in injectable treatments across the country and did believe such outdated & old school beliefs were a thing of the past... in fact they are....your on your own with this one i'm afraid.