Can anybody follow the logic of this post on the UKIP website ?
If i vote but yer but no but!
TORY PPC SIGNS UP TO BETTEROFFOUTFrom BOO:"Gordon Henderson, the Conservative Party Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Sittingbourne and Sheppey, has just become the first Conservative Party PPC to support the BETTER OFF OUT campaign (see his message below). This is very much to his credit, as we are unable to guarantee that UK Independence Party candidates will stand down against Conservative Party candidates at the next election - except in the case of those MPs who have signed up to BETTER OFF OUT.
Naturally, we will try to draw his position on British membership of the EU to the attention of the electorate in his constituency, so that voters may draw their own conclusions and vote accordingly.
It is apparent from Gordon's blog - that his support for freeing Britain from the EU runs deep, as he has written an excellent piece on there, "Time for a Referendum on Europe".Good on Gordon, but I do hope that Nigel is true to his word and that UKIP stands in this seat as Gordon is not a sitting MP, and with Labour holding a majority of just 79 and UKIP polling 926 votes last time, there is always a chance for people to abuse BOO for political opportunism.If you really want out of the EU, then you should be standing for a party that has that as a policy.And before Iain Dale starts ranting that UKIP are "helping Labour", "blocking someone who wants out of the EU" etc, remember that the Tory Party are not going to offer EU withdrawal or a referendum as part of their next manifesto and nothing is going to change that, not 10, not 20, not even 50 new anti-EU Tory MP's, so what is the point in voting for them if you passionately support EU withdrawal?If we followed Dale's logic then most Tory voters should switch to voting Labour as they offer much the same policy agenda and are clearly in the best position to deliver it.Tip: The UKIP leaflets for this seat (and others) should clearly highlight that Cameron has banned any MP who supports EU withdrawal from his front bench team, therefore showing that a vote for an EU withdrawal Tory is a wasted vote as they can never deliver their aim
Without proportional representation a vote for UKIP is a wasted vote. If you vote UKIP you will get a Labour or LibDem MP.
Its as simple as that.
In fact UKIP members are openly boasting that there electoral strategy is just to deprive Conservative candidates their seats. This is their sole electoral strategy.
Quite agree!
PR is not going to happen. If it did people would vote differently anyway.
I cant see the logic of UKIP depriving Conservatives of seats. Surely they would be better targeting the other parties. There are more anti EU people in the Tory Party than in the others and I think this is growing .Phillip Davies MP gave a very powerful speech at Conference on the subject which was well received
UKIP are not working to win - they are working to stop Conservatives winning:-
Chad Noble
"We should be working now, in every possible seat where our votes could result in a defeat for a Conservative candidate.
This will help Labour and the LibDems this one time"
"If we do this, then for one more Labour term, there will be the real chance of a Tory split"
So what UKIP really wants is "one more Labour term"?
And this comment from UKIP activists in Essex who were tardy in not standing a candidate in a recent by election is very telling:-
Michael McGough
"By winning this seat the Tories gained control of the Council which they were denied by our standing in another ward in May,when the long term incumbent and Eastern Regional Assembly member for Theydon Bois ward was ousted by 23 votes.UKIP took 136 votes having never stood there before.Had we had the notice of the Grange Hill by election in time we WOULD have stood and I'm confident that we would have denied the Tories success."
Says it all really!
How can we guide the misguided?
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